Marginal Way Plaque Program
You can memorialize yours or a loved one’s cherished memories of the Marginal Way by purchasing a space on our dedication plaque site at Serenity Point, overlooking the beautiful Atlantic for $10,000. A minimum non-refundable deposit of $2,500 reserves your space on a plaque with the balance due within two years. Plaque donations are fully tax-deductible and go directly into the endowment fund set-up to fund preservation work needed to protect the Marginal Way from current and future storm damage and erosion.
Ten bronze plaques are located at Serenity Point, a special site along the Marginal Way, with each plaque recognizing 25 people and/or families. The format for each line is roughly a maximum of 38 characters including spaces. Each inscription on the temporary plaque strip will be in capital letters while the final plaque will continue to be done in “Proper Case” (lower case with capitalized first letters where appropriate).
While the current plaque is being filled, a temporary plaque has been installed so the donor’s inscription can be viewed without waiting for the completion of the plaque. Each inscription will be on a bronze strip, which will be attached to the Temporary plaque. Once the plaque is filled, it will be replaced with a permanent bronze plaque and the bronze strips will be given to the donor. We are currently filling Plaque Nine.
The Marginal Way Preservation Fund’s Board of Directors dedicated Plaque Seven in September of 2024 by joining with the families and friends of those honored to share stories and celebrate their memories. Plaques Nine and Ten currently have inscription space available to be filled with your help.
Reach out for more information today!
To make a payment to a new or existing plaque along the Marginal Way, you may submit a payment using this form, or you may mail us a check to the address below:
Marginal Way Preservation Fund
Plaque Program
P.O. Box 1455
Ogunquit, ME 03907