Support the path you love 

When you make a gift to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund, you are helping us ensure that the Marginal Way is preserved for the future. 

The Marginal Way Preservation Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Contributions to the MWPF are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. General donations are considered unrestricted and will be used to maintain and beautify the Marginal Way and the operations required to support its mission. Excess unrestricted funds are moved to the endowment fund.  

No gift is too small. Gift matching donations by employers are also welcome. 

Donors are recognized in our Annual Report and on our website based on the following giving levels, unless you do not want your name published.

  • The following membership levels reflect the total monetary donations given in a calendar year.

    Josiah Chase Lifetime giving for donors donating $10,000 or more.

    Millennial Partner for donors giving $5,000-$9,999

    Traveler for those donating $2,500-$4,999

    One Thousand Steps for donors giving $1,000-$2,499

    Pave the Way for gifts of $500-$999

    Adventurers for gifts of $250-$499

    Century Walker for those giving $100-$249

    Wanderers for members who donate up to $100

Florals along the Marginal Way


The Marginal Way is here to provide visitors a place to relax, reflect and reconnect with nature. Help keep the Marginal Way safe and beautiful by making a gift today. 

Honor your loved ones with a plaque at Serenity Point Plaques along the Marginal Way

Serenity Way Plaque

Enjoy one of our most popular donation options by engraving customized name or text on our premium bronze plaques.

Marginal Way benches - Marginal Way Preservation Fund, Ogunquit Maine

Day of Distinction

Consider honoring your Person of Distinction on a special day.

Other ways to give

Send a check

Checks should be made payable to MWPF and sent to:

Marginal Way Preservation Fund

PO Box 1455

Ogunquit, ME 03907

Give a Gift of Stock

A gift of stock, bonds, or mutual fund shares could have greater tax benefit to you than a gift of cash. Stock gifts are tax deductible at the market value on the day of the gift.

Make a Planned Gift

There are many tax-advantaged ways to make a deferred gift to MWPF that will have a profound and lasting impact for the community.

Tribute Gifts to Honor Loved Ones

Making a tribute gift to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund is a meaningful way to honor someone special while supporting the preservation of this cherished coastal landmark. Your tribute gift helps safeguard the beauty of Marginal Way for future generations. 

Charitable contributions can be made by check, payable to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund, and sent to: PO Box 1455, Ogunquit, Maine 03907.

Donations may also be made
online here by selecting the “In Honor Of” option.

Information for Obituaries

We are deeply grateful to individuals who choose to honor their loved ones by directing donations to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund. These generous contributions help preserve and protect this beloved coastal treasure for future generations.

If you would like to encourage family and friends to make a gift in memory of a loved one, please notify us so we can acknowledge and share the names of those who have contributed. 

  • In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund. Donations can be made by check, payable to the Marginal Way Preservation Fund, and sent to:

    PO Box 1455, Ogunquit, Maine 03907

    or made online at: by selecting the “In Memory Of” option.